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5 Fun Facts About The Physical Properties Of Matter

Writer's picture: Heuristics ScienceHeuristics Science

Updated: Feb 5

5 Fun Facts About The Physical Properties Of Matter

Do you remember learning about the states of matter during your secondary school science classes? Solid, liquid, gas – it all seemed so straightforward, right? But have you ever paused to think about what makes them so fascinating? Sure, it’s part of the syllabus, but matter has secrets and quirks that are far more exciting than they first appear. With engaging lessons, such as those offered through secondary science tuition, these concepts can become even more captivating.


If you find the topic dry or repetitive, you might be surprised to learn that matter holds some seriously fun and mind-bending truths. From strange behaviours of everyday materials to unexpected phenomena, these facts can make science class a lot more interesting and help you connect the dots better as a secondary school student. 


1. Glass: A solid or a liquid?


You’ve probably seen glass windows or bottles your whole life. But did you know that glass is technically an amorphous solid? Unlike a typical solid, its molecules are arranged more like a frozen liquid. This peculiar structure is why old windowpanes sometimes appear thicker at the bottom – they’ve “flowed” ever so slightly over centuries! 


While it doesn’t exactly drip like honey, the science behind glass's molecular structure challenges our traditional ideas of what makes a solid a solid. Understanding these nuances can make topics like states of matter and molecular bonding much more engaging in your science classes. 


2. Water’s weird behaviour 


Water is an everyday substance we all take for granted, but it’s packed with unique properties that make it a scientific superstar. For instance, unlike most substances, water expands when it freezes. That’s why ice floats on liquid water, creating life-saving habitats for animals in colder climates. 


Even more fascinating? Water has an exceptionally high surface tension, allowing tiny insects like water striders to walk on it without sinking. Next time you see this phenomenon in nature, you’ll know it’s all thanks to hydrogen bonding. These quirks can even help you tackle tricky exam questions in topics like physical chemistry. 


3. Oobleck: A liquid you can hold 


Ever played with oobleck – a mixture of cornstarch and water? This substance behaves as both a solid and a liquid, depending on how you handle it. When you apply pressure, oobleck stiffens and feels like a solid. Release the pressure, and it flows like a liquid again. 


This strange material is called a non-Newtonian fluid, and it’s a great example of how the physical properties of matter can defy expectations. Plus, making oobleck is a fun, hands-on way to connect classroom concepts with real-world science. 


4. Supercooled liquids: Staying cool under pressure 


Have you ever seen someone tap a bottle of water, and it instantly turns to ice? This is an example of supercooling, a phenomenon where a liquid stays in its liquid state even below its freezing point. All it needs is a little nudge, like a vibration, to transform into a solid. 


Supercooling is a practical application of science in fields like medicine and food storage. Learning about concepts like this through the science behind everyday mysteries we encounter daily makes studying matter feel less like a chore and more like solving puzzles. 


5. Plasma: The fourth state of matter


We’re all familiar with solids, liquids, and gases, but did you know there’s a fourth state of matter called plasma? Plasma occurs when gases are heated to extreme temperatures, causing their atoms to lose electrons and form an electrically charged soup. 


You encounter plasma more often than you think. It’s what makes neon signs glow and powers the sun! Understanding plasma is also essential in advanced science topics like electricity and magnetism, so it’s worth paying attention in class when the topic comes up. 


Why these fun facts matter 


Science is more than just definitions and memorisation. When you dig a little deeper, the subject opens up a world of wonders that help explain our universe. Even the most basic concepts, like the properties of matter, can be mind-blowingly cool if you look at them from the right angle. 


For secondary school students, discovering these interesting tidbits can make topics that once felt boring come alive. Not only do they add an extra layer of understanding, but they also make exam preparation more engaging and less tedious. 



If you’ve ever struggled with connecting the dots in science or felt like the subject was more about rote learning than discovery, there’s a better way to learn. At Heuristics Science, we offer primary and secondary science tuition in Singapore designed to make learning fun and effective. With our specialised TCR Answering Technique, guided practice, and practical applications, we help you master challenging concepts while enjoying the process. Let us show you how science can be a fascinating journey of discovery! 

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